Kot je to že v navadi so Barje obiskale za poplave že značilne vrste: črna vrana Corvus corone, 6 duplinskih kozark Tadorna tadorna, okoli 100 rečnih galebov Chroicocephalus ridibundus in 1 rumenonogi galeb Larus michahellis. Selile so se še mnoge cipe Anthusidae, poljski škrjanci Alauda arvensis, strnadi Emberizidae, vzdevek poznih falotinj pa so si prislužile kmečke lastovke Hirundo rustica.
Med najbolj številne selivke so se tokrat uvrstile bele pastirice Motacilla alba (150+) in velike bele čaplje Ardea alba. Po končanem terenu smo se dobili še pri enem izmed članov naše ekipice na palačinkah in taroku;)
Just a Dunlin Calidris alpina; hangin'
Oops, hangin' with a Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria
Just a Golden Plover; hangin' - where the Dunlin at?
Flock of Wigeons Anas penelope, flying about
Tail shaking Pintails Anas acuta
Six Shelducks Tadorna tadorna, searching for seashells - good luck, no shells on Barje!
Homogenic group of Black-headed Gulls Chroicocephalus ridibundus
Two shovel-shaking Shovelers Anas clypeata
Hungry Great-grey Shrike Lanius excubitor, what could he eat today?
That fat vole, he's going to be so full of!
Roud running Field Cricket - run cricket, run for your life!
Barje is very flodded today!
Relaxed birder - Matija admiring the floods
Two extreemly random Black-necked Grebes Podiceps nigricollis, having fun on a flooded field?!
Birders: Matija Mlakar Medved, Alex Kotnik, Mitja Denac
Ig, Parte, Lipe, Stržen, Bevke
Mallard 50
Wigeon 80+
Pintail 4
Shoveler 4
Teal 2
Shelduck 6
Cormorant 1
Great Egret 30
Grey Heron 10
Buzzard 7
Kestrel 5
Sparrowhawk 1
Golden Plover 2
Lapwing 5
Snipe 15
Black-headed Gull 100+
Yellow-legged Gull 1
Skylark 100
Barn Swallow 10
Meadow Pipit 50
Water Pipit 10
White Wagtail 150
Dunnock 1
Wheatear 1
Stonechat 5
Song Thrush 10
Chiffchaff 10
Great Grey Shrike 2
Carrion Crow 1
Jackdaw 15
Reed Bunting 20
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