Wednesday 29 May 2019

Lake Drama


Deževna pomlad vztraja (več o njenih destruktivnih vplivih na Barje v prihodnje), jaz pa sem si privoščil sproščujoč predizpitni izlet na krasotno, bogato zalito Cerkniško polje. Nizkim temperaturam in gostim ploham navkljub sem sklenil otvoriti boso poletje, zato sem golih nožic in zavihanih hlač precopotal dobršen del jezerskega obrobja. Več ob slikah!

Abundantly wet meadows, photographed shortly after an abundantly wet storm.

Miserable Red-footed Falcons (Falco vespertinus) were forced to wait out the storm seated...

... but were shortly after the storm consoled by swarms of tasty Mayflies (Ephemoptera)

The constantly passing storms also interrupted a small flock of Bee-eaters (Merops apiaster).

The colourful birds took off immediately when the rain stopped.

These days, the valley is filled with the sounds of singing Reed Buntings (Emberiza schoeniculus)...

... common but beautiful Yellowhammers (Emberiza citrinella) ...

... Yellow Wagtails (Motacilla flava ssp. cinereocapilla) ...

... and of course with the song of the lake's most characteristic songbird, the Rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus) - groups of males are singing immensely.

I was lucky enough to have shared my bush shelter with a colourful male during the heaviest rain.

Another very characteristic breeder in the area is the Red-necked Grebe (Podiceps grisegena), that is in luck this year, as his typical habitat is abundant due to the incredible amount of water.

The rain forced the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), breeder of the nearby Javorniki mountains, to descend  from his kingdom high in the sky.


A Black Stork (Ciconia nigra), sitting out the rain and plotting already...

She flies away in search of an honest bird from which to steal ...

Meanwhile, a younger stork performs an amazing hunt on the other side of the lake ...

... catching a formidable fish with its bear beak

Soon after its success, the stork mentioned before arrives and attempts to claim the fish for itself ...

... agitating the skilful hunter to the point, in which she drops the fish!

The plotting Stork snitches the enormous fish and shoves it down its throat. We can here observe the perfect example of life.

Formidable storms continued throughout the day...

... bothering interesting migrating birds and convincing them to stop and spend some time at the lakeside, just enough for me to observe and photograph them. In the picture we can see a resting Spoonbill (Palatela leucorodia) in the company of a lovely male Garganey (Anas querquedula).

The Spoonbill was better photographed in mid air, when it decided to move closer to a group of its heron friends, Little Egrets.

By doing so, it left behind another heron friend, the Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea)

Baby Swans taking a ride....

Displeased Barn Swallow


Sitting on a cliff, overlooking the full lake, i was disturbed by the sound of crackling reeds. I found the source of the sound and was most surprised - it was produced by an Otter (Lutra lutra), feasting with an enormous Common Rudd (Scardinus erythropthalmus).

After the completed feast, the Otter took some time to tidy itself, sprinkling water on its head, scratching and grooming its fur.

Full and cleaned, the Otter took a short walk, marked the reeds with some urine and departed, sliding elegantly in the lake. It was amazing to observe these uninterrupted few minutes of the predator's day.

Nekaj dni kasneje sem si privoščil še dva predizpitna oddiha; uspešen popis sicer nedokumentirane pisane penice (Sylvia nisoria) na Ljubljanskem barju ter docela neuspešen popis črnočelega srakoperja (Lanius minor) v Vipavski dolini.

The disguised Yellowhammer, the commonest bird, heard in Ljubljansko barje. During the Barred Warbler census, we recorded about 20 individuals (the two Barred Warblers were obv. not successfully photographed).

An unexpected sight for Barje at the end of may - a group of 5 Red-footed Falcons, sitting on a former Sunflower field in the pleasant morning.

An adorable finding - one of the two Tree Pipit (Anthus trivialis) nests we found during the census. The nest, positioned on a field, overgrown with invasive Goldenrod (Solidago sp), is a bowl-shaped hole in the ground, coated with dry grass and is almost impossible to spot.

A most elderly looking Butterfly from Vipava valley.

A wonderful plant Dianthus sanguineus, that can be found on extensive dry meadows ...

... alongside with enormous amounts of an orchid Serapias vomeracea

The bizar flower up close

Surprisingly, the last of Orchis morio can still be found blooming due to the cold may.

Another, more forest dependent orchid - Cephalantera damasonium

One of the most big and special slovenian orchids - Limnodorum abortivum (blooming specimen of the species, that was referred to in the last post as ''purple asparagus'') - is a special orchid, as it does not contain chloroplasts and does not perform photosynthesis. It depends instead on fungi, which provide it with all the nutrition it needs. It was also used in the past by young women, as it can be used to induce abortion.

Dictamnus albus - blooming in a rocky area, overlooking the upper parts of Vipava valley. This flower is special for its toxin, used in past by young men to avoid being recruited in the military. The toxin causes severe dermatitis when exposed to light.

A lovely Marsh Fritillary (Eurodryas aurinia)

LP, Matija

Tuesday 21 May 2019

A short report on, well, everything

Tik pred mesecem intenzivnega maturitetnega ritma in izpitnega obdobja na faksu je bilo nujno treba izkoristiti zadnje dni selitve, gozda ter orhidej. V petek sem se pomudil na popisu triprstega detla na Mirni gori (Kočevsko) ter za kakšno uro na Medvedcah, v soboto pa je bil tja organiziran izlet Mladinske sekcije. Medtem ko smo v soboto torej tovorili težke spektive okrog tega obširnega vodnega telesa, se je Matija gurmansko udejanjal v hrvaški Istri in spotoma izbrskal nekaj prijetnih kukavičevk.
Mirna gora, kljub obilici primernega gozda, ni postregla prav z nobenim triprstim detlom, pa tudi ostalih gozdnih ptičic ni bilo prav veliko (ali pa so bile plahe). Prav zato je bilo toliko bolj ironično, da sva z mamo naletela na spodnji "prometni" znak, ki odreja mirno cono za gozdnega jereba. Podobne znake z divjim petelinom lahko najdemo marsikje po Kočevskem, postavljeni pa so bili v okviru projekta Life Kočevsko. Ideja mirnih con je sicer zelo dobra, a ima dve pereči pomanjkljivosti: a) edina omembe vredna motnja v teh gozdovih je prav gospodarjenje, ki ga omenjene mirne cone kot edino izjemo dovoljujejo ...b) postavljanja mirnih con bi se bilo čudovito lotiti, ko so te ptice (jereb, petelin) tod še živele. Zdaj jih namreč ni več.
Namesto mirnih con bi zatorej lahko naredili kakšen gozdni rezervat več, po možnosti kje, kjer prebiva kateri izmed dveh "posebnih" detlov. Ti dve vrsti se, kljub zmotnemu prepričanju nekaterih gozdarjev, ne moreta prehranjevati izključno na gnijočih vejicah po tleh, ne zadovoljijo pa ju niti priložnostne odmrle veje na drevesih, pač pa potrebujeta konkretna odmrla drevesa (aka sušice). Eden izmed krajev, kjer sta nekoč prebivala oba, je prav Mirna gora. Do danes so bukove gozdove brutalno prečistili, ustvarili pasove golosekov in belohrbtega detla seveda pregnali. Z leti je, iz neznanega razloga, od tam izginil še triprsti detel in območje se je pridružilo tisočerim hektarjem opustošenega gozda v Sloveniji, ki razpolaga s pereče povprečno favno.
Ena redkih živali, ki je intenzivno gospodarjenje z gozdom ne prizadene, je RJAVI MEDVED Ursus arctos, ki sva ga srečala na popisu. Prav postavno je na zadnjih nogah stal ob cesti, ko pa sva ga z avtom zmotila, se je spustil na vse štiri in se okorno pomaknil globje v gozd. Kljub ne ravno agilnemu gibanju je edina nastala slika izjemno slaba, a jo vseeno predstavljamo z vsem ponosom, ki takšnemu opazovanju pristoji.

A quite pathetic sight, there are no Hazel Grouses behind the sign and there probably won't ever be any. 

Photographing vast amounts of wood, driven out of Slovenian forests. A lot of such wood is sold to Austria for a small price, where they use it for all kinds of furniture which is then sold back to Slovenians, for a reasonably higher price. Great job!

Brown Bear beside a fores road. Sorry for the bad photo, bears aren't so slow after all :)

Partizanska bolnica Zgornji Hrastnik (Zgornji Hrastnik Partisan hospital)

Istega dne popoldne me je zaradi nekaterih organizacijskih olajšav zaneslo na Štajersko. Spričo izjemnega četrtkovega opazovanja 5 ploskokljuncev, sem na poti v Duplek napravil manjši ovinek do Pragerskega. Za opazovanje ene redkih skupin teh močno zaželenih pobrežnikov se imamo zahvaliti Blažu Blažiču, ki je ponosni najditelj te prijetne jatice. 
Na Medvedcah se mi je hitro nasmehnila sreča - v eni izmed luž sredi njiv se je prehranjeval oranžni mali prodnik Calidris minuta, po nekaj minutah pa sem poleg njega opazil še prodnika temnejših odtenkov z izrazitim "superciliumom". Hitro sem ugotovil, da gre res za PLOSKOKLJUNCA Calidris falcinellus, ki se je osamljen hranil skupaj z malim prodnikom. Ker so prodniki le redko močno plašni se mi je zdelo smotrno pridobiti nekaj dokumentarnih posnetkov, za kar sem se bos odpravil do njive. Tokrat se nisem plazil, saj nisem posedoval neomejene količine oblačil, pa tudi nisem želel motiti blagostanja prijetnih prodnikov. Na hitro sem prečesal še zadrževalnik in zabeležil 3 beloperute Chlidonias leucopterus in 1 belolično čigro Chlidonias hybrida
Naslednji dan, na izletu, ploskokljunca žal ni bilo več. Malemu je delal družbo temminckov prodnik Calidris temminckii, na neki drugi njivi pa se je dolgočasila črna štorklja Ciconia nigra. Nekoliko se je povečalo število čiger, tokrat je bilo beloličnih 11, beloperute pa 4. Obregnemo se lahko še ob čudaškega zvonca Bucephala clangula, natančneje zvonkljo, za katero nimamo pojma, kaj je tod iskala. Na Ptuju je bila prisotna obročkana belolična čigra z belim barvnim na desni. Le kdo ji je nadel ta čeden nakit?

The star bird of Friday - an adult Broad-billed Sandpiper in breeding plumage

With a (nicer) Little Stint

And the majestic Little Stint on its own.

A short video of BB Sand. feeding

A Black Stork in a flock of 3 White Storks

White-winged Tern

Whiskered Tern

A bored Black Stork on the field

A wtf Goldeneye

A Montague's Harrier, flying away

Ophrys holosericea at Ptuj (half eaten)

Na družinskem popotovanju po hrvaški Istri je Matijevo oko zadelo ob prenekatero čedno orhidejo. Nekatere izmed teh v Sloveniji rastejo le na redkih rastiščih, spet drugih pa kljub izbuljenim očem v naših krajih sploh ne bomo zasledili. Spodaj je priloženih nekaj fotografij, opremljenih z vrstnimi in rodovnimi imeni. Ako se na orhideje teh koncev dobro spoznate in se vam zdi katera določitev vprašljiva, smo vam zelo pripravljeni prisluhniti (sploh kar zadeva serape). 

Anacamptis papilionacea

Serapias lingua

Serapias cordigera/istriaca (?)

Anacamptis (coriophora) fragrans

Ophrys bertolonii

Ophrys bombiflora <3

This time a true Ophrys incubacea

Vaši Barjanci